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Yamim Noraim

The Man of the Hour - Rabbi N. Daniel Korobkin

Yom Kippur and Overcoming Ambivalence - Rabbi Eliezer Breitowitz

A Strategic Plan for Teshuvah -  Molly Morris

How To Find Spiritual Inspiration From Sefer Tehillim through Breslov Teachings: A Pathway For Teshuvah during Elul, and The 10 Days Of Awe - Chaim Oliver

The Connection Between Shavuos and Rosh Hashanah - Yehuda Shulman

Great Memories and  Memories of Greatness -  Rabbi A.Z. Thau

A Tale of Two Mountains  - Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner

Return on Repentance - Aaron Weinroth

Teshuvah and the Beginning of Creation - Rabbi Dr. Moshe J. Yeres



Yitgadal or Yitgadel: A Dialectical Perspective (Part II) Dr. David Moshe Fischman

The Custom of Standing for a Ḥatan and Kallah Walking to the Ḥuppah: Frum or Krum? Rabbi Dr. Lazer Friedman

Happy Birthday...Maybe? Celebrating Birthdays in Halakhah - Rabbi Simi Grosman

Early-Bird Discounts for Camp?-  Rabbi Yosef Dovid Rothbart



Tikkun Olam Revisited - Rabbi Shmuel Lesher

Viahavta Lireiakha Kamokha: What Does It Mean?- Rabbi Asher Frankel

Jewish Renewal: Rashi’s View  - Dr. Marc Herman

Of Sheep and Cattle - Dr. Samuel Silverberg



The Mistranslation of Ox and Sheep  in Tanakh - Archie Crandell

Confronting Textual Problems in the  Torah: A New Approach That May Be a Thousand Years in the Making -  Dr. Dan Diamond

The Downward Spiral: Based Upon a Concept by Avi Shinnar - Karyn Goldberger


Torah Lishmah

Imitation: The Sincerest Form of Flattery that is also a Mitzvah - Danny Berger

Sodom and Givah - Asher Breatross

Vezot HaBrakha: Moshe’s Tears - Rabbi Avraham Aryaih and Laya Witty



A Definition of “Modern Orthodox” - Cemach Green

Jews, Jewish, and Poetry:  An Idiosyncratic Tasting -Dr. Eliakim Katz




Mon, January 13 2025 13 Teves 5785